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Conservation Meeting Minutes 11/6/03

Conservation Commission


November 6, 2003

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Stephan Glicken, Stephen Cremer, Katherine Roth, Hank Langstroth, Peter Holden, and Janet Dunlap were the members present.

7:45 p.m., N.O.I. Public Hearing, Marcy Singer. Proposed installation of a new septic system and addition at 11 Owl Drive. DEP File # SE-280-444:

Marcy and Craig Singer appeared before the Commission and submitted the green abutter cards.
James Miller, engineer from Miller Engineering represented the Applicant and submitted a plan entitled, Proposed Repairs to Existing Sewage Disposal System, dated July 22, 2003 to the Commission.  
The leaching field for the proposed new septic system is located outside the 100' Buffer Zone.
The over dig for the addition will be inside the 50' No Build Line.
There is a slight intrusion of the existing deck on the 50' No Build Line located at the rear of the property.
The Applicant stated that they have hired an architect for the proposed project and he has not yet completed the design for the new addition.
The Commission requested that the Applicant submit a definitive plan for the proposed new construction detailing the existing and proposed grading, a plan to re-establish the plants within the buffer zone, and drainage control plans.
Peg asked the Applicant to keep the new construction outside of the 50' No Build Line, and to move the hay bale line closer to the actual limit of work.
Peg called for a motion to continue the Hearing until November 20, 2003, at 7:45 p.m.
Hank moved. Kathy seconded. Voted. Unanimous.  

8:15p.m., N.O.I. Hearing Continuance, Peter Dangelo, 140 Maskwonicut Street. Driveway site preparation. DEP File #SE-280-431:

Peter Dangelo appeared before the Commission and presented concept plan for the proposed construction.
The proposed construction of a new dwelling and subsurface septic system to be located outside
the 100' Buffer Zone.
Tree clearing, grubbing, site grading and lawn installation is proposed within the 100' Buffer Zone.
Peter Dangelo proposes to buy a couple of steer and allow them to graze on the upland portion
of his property and allow the animals to have access to the water from a nearby brook on the
The Commission determined that they would seek legal counsel regarding the placement of a Conservation/Agricultural Restriction on the property established at the hay bale line.
The Restriction would stipulate special allowances for agriculture as well as protection to the wetlands.
The Commission requested that the Applicant hire an engineer to survey the property so that a legal description of the meets and bounds and distance is accurately outlined on a plan.
Peter Dangelo requested the Commission's permission for the installation of hay bales in preparation for the excavation work and clearing of the trees.
The Commission granted permission to the Applicant to install the hay bales at his own risk.  In the event that the DEP stops the work, the Applicant would have to remove the hay bales.

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The Commission requested the Applicant to complete the proposed work in 2 phases:  

 Phase I:
The hay bale line is to be squared off and the Applicant to contact the SCC Office for the
 inspection of the hay bales.
      The Applicant to provide 2 maps showing the pipe and side view design of the proposed
       culvert outlining the elevation to the left and right.
       The Applicant to provide the Commission with information pertaining to the back-fill.
       The Plan to include in what direction (N.E.S.W.) the steer would be traveling on the
       property to access the water at the nearby brook.
       The Plan to show the boundary line of the proposed fence for containing the steer on the
       upland portion of the property.

Phase II of the proposed project:

      The Applicant to arrange a meeting with the Commission in January 2004, to discuss the
       proposed Restriction on the property.

Peg called for a motion to continue the Hearing pending the new plans.
Kathy moved. Janet second. Voted. Unanimous.

8:50 p.m. Rattlesnake Hill Update:

The Commission discussed strategies pertaining to the December 8, 2003 Special Town Meeting Article for the acquisition of Rattlesnake Hill.     

9:05 p.m.  Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for motion to approve the October 16, 2003 Meeting Minutes.
Stephen Cremer moved. Janet seconded. Voted. 6-0-1.

9:10 p.m., Signatures:

The Commission signed bills.  Certificate of Compliance, Stephen Woogmaster, project located opposite 80 Massapoag Ave. DEP # SE-280-433.
Order of Conditions, Tony Nakhle - T.N. Real Estate & Development Co., project on Morse Street, The Elizabeth Peabody House/Camp Gannett. DEP # SE-280-443.

9:15 p.m., Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank moved. Peter seconded. Voted. Unanimous.